Dec. 6
Cattle: 510
Steers steady and active.
(200-300), $283-$375; (300-400) $280-$375; (400-500) $271-$3.55; (500-600) $249-$305; (600-700) $233-$263; (700-800) $214-$248.
Heifers steady and active.
(200-300) $236-$335; (300-400) $252-$335; (400-500) $252-$303; (500-600) $230-$260; (600-700) $222-$255; (700-800) $205-$230.
Slaughter cows: $61-$116.
Slaughter bulls: $107-$135.
Stocker cows: $113-$175.
Bred cows: $1,335-$1,500.
Horses per head: $135-$350.
Dec. 6
Cattle on hand: 1,695
There were 114 cows and 13 bulls and one goat. Packer cows and bulls sold strong. The calf market was higher. Demand is strong.
Packer bulls: All weights, $139-$153.
Packer cows: Canners and cutters, $112-$125; poor and weak, $50-$110; palpated (18 bred), $1,700-$2,000; pairs (1) $2,300.
Steer and bull (200-249) $231-$400; (250-299) $346-$404; (300-350) $350-405; (350-400) $324-$406; (400-450) $299-$400; (450-500) $299-$380; (500-550) $280-$345; (550-600) $268-$350; (600-700) $229-$280; (over 700) $211-$250.
Heifer Calves: (average-high) (200-250) $330-$355; (250-300) $284-$405; (300-350) $306-$360; (350-400) $285-$415; (400-450) $279-$357; (450-500) $258-390; (500-550) $248-$322; (550-600) $235-$302; (600-700) $211-$300; (over 700) $200-252.
Dec. 7
Receipts: 1,321 cattle
Compared to last sale: Number 1 choice calves and yearlings sold active with the 300-500 pounds selling $5-$10 higher. Less quality calves and yearlings sold active. Packer cows and bulls sold steady.
Stocker feeders Steers: Medium and large frame No. 1: (150-300) $345-$450; (300-400) $285-$425; (400-500) $270-$360; (500-600) $215-$323; (600-700) $230-$265; (700-800) $225-$255.
Bull yearlings: 700-900: $165-$202.
Stocker feeder heifers: Medium and large frame No. 1: (150-300) $310-$375; (300-400) $285-$350; (400-500) $241-$323; (500-600) $210-$277; (600-700) $215-$245.
Packer cows: Good lean utility and commercial, $101-$108; cutters, $109-$118; Canners, $75-$85. high yielding fat cows, $97-$111.
Packer bulls: yield grade 1&2, good heavy bulls, $128-$134. Light weights and medium bulls: $120-$126.
Stocker cows: $900-$1,800.
Pairs: $1,500-$2,500.